Tuesday, December 23, 2014

All-time Favorite Photos of Sandara (Photoshoot Edition)

Not long ago, Koreaboo provided us their own list of Sandara Park's stunning photos and this blog post is obviously inspired by that. A lot of us disagreed with their choices so here I am posting my own version of that list. As a devoted daraling, I know Koreaboo failed to show what I think are earth-shatteringly gorgeous photos of Sandara Park. None of my favorites even made their list. So to appease my disappointed heart (hopefully yours too!) here goes my absolute favorite photos of Sandara Park.

1. "Classic Beauty"

I'll go ahead and assume that most of us will choose this as a top favorite. When this photo was revealed, it's safe to say that many were left dumbfounded--including me. Seeing this photo for the first time is a mixture of awe and disbelief. As 2NE1's fashion risk taker, we never thought we'll see Dara styled like this: so simple yet so elegant. This photo drips of innocence. She exudes an ethereal and refreshing aura. In fact, she resembles women from the 60s who wear their hair big but go for nude tones for their lips and make up. A classic look for a classic beauty. After a year since its release, I find myself still captivated by the magic this photo brings.

 2. "Enchanting Fairy"

Nothing screams "Goddess" more than this photo. The bold contrasts of the pink flowers, fantasy make up and glowing skin worked well on Sandara. She looked absolutely breath taking. The childlike look in her eyes and the lushness of her lips further emphasize her lethal charm that she can be innocent and seductive at the same time. As if that's not enough to send us all crazy, there she goes flashing her sexy collarbones that rarely see the light of day. To say we're enchanted by this is an understatement, to be honest. We're more like, enraptured more than anything else.