Sunday, September 28, 2014

SANDARA PARK: A 21st Century Heroine

When we were young, we believed in super heroes and mythical creatures who possess amazing abilities and otherworldly powers. Then we grew up. The magic slowly faded. Our make-believe world no longer existed. But as we matured, we also learned that heroes are real (albeit less magical but just as powerful) even in this day and age where people are more practical, more cynical and less faithful.

I, myself, have known a 21st century heroine whose abilities match that of a Phoenix--she rose from her own ashes and grew into an even more beautiful, stronger creature. She is none other than the precious, life-changing idol, Sandara Park.

I found this post on tumblr summarizing how she dealt with her downfall and pain; how she managed to come out even better and much tougher. She's a woman of steel, a lady of great principles and virtue and most of all, a girl who harbors such enormous love for the people around her. A heroine through and through, that's who she is.